Personal Uncategorized

7 Weeks of Quarantine

I’m going to start this blog with what’s currently going on in the world, what many of us are experiencing– quarantine. I’ve lost count of how long it has been but I’m pretty sure I’m going on week 7 now. It’s been hard, emotionally and physically. I spent the last year losing 30 pounds, with 20 more to go, and now it’s hard to not eat while I’m locked at home all day.

Yes, I know, first world problems. Many people don’t have the option of staying home and I’m lucky to be safe inside. I’ve heard and seen that so many times, as if someone’s struggles do not matter just because someone else has it worse. If we start downplaying each other’s emotions like that, no one would have the right to feel bad for themselves. Ever. Because someone else always has it worse.

I’m well aware of my privilege. I live in the Bay Area, where I’ve lived a really normal life from anyone’s perspective. But, that doesn’t mean I don’t have my own issues that an outsider cannot see. As long as we acknowledge our privilege, I think there’s nothing wrong with feeling a little bad for yourself and your plans. Especially at a time like this, when we’re all going through something none of us can control.

So, I’m trying to exercise and stay healthy while not being so hard on myself for my stagnant weight loss. Because man is it hard to shed the pounds and I should try to think positively about my progress. You should do the same, think of the things you’ve accomplished in the last year and what you’ll be able to do once this quarantine is over.

There’s a lot out there and we get so hung up on the negatives that it seems nothing positive may ever happen again. But that’s not how life works. If one looks carefully, something positive happens everyday. Something I’ve seen a lot of people post about is a happiness jar, where you write something positive that happened to you everyday and put it in a jar. You can open a memory anytime you need it and it helps to remind you that something little can stand out during a hard day.

With that, I’m going to end this post. It might be a little rambly but I’m just going to go with it. Remember to take care of yourself and those around you.




Avid reader, traveler, beauty lover. My mind is everywhere so expect nothing less of my blog. Let me know if you have any ideas or you’re going to get much randomness

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